Get connected.

The life of faith is never meant to be lived alone. Here at Lutheran Church of the Master, we strive for community and connection.

Bible Study

Sundays at 11:15 am // Sanctuary

A joy-filled study on God's plan to restore creation

To create humanity, God played in the dirt of creation. Then God called humanity to play as well. After the Fall, humanity found itself separated from God, creation, and one another. But God, the ever-faithful creator, made a new plan to bring us back. Join us as we study the book of Genesis to learn how God restored humanity and turns our toil into play.


Children’s Ministry

Sunday School
Weekly as part of our 10:00 am Worship Service
Last Sunday as part of our 5:00 pm Worship Service

Ages 4-12 are invited to a fun and unique gathering in which children are encouraged to learn about the gifts God has given them and express their creativity. You’ll begin the morning in worship as a family, then following the opening hymns, children will be dismissed for an age-appropriate lesson, games, crafts, and more. They’ll be brought back into the Sanctuary for communion and the closing hymn.

For additional information about the ministry, contact Children’s Ministry Intern, Chloe Norris, at


Every great thing we do is done with great volunteers.

Through the offering of your time and talents as a volunteer, you transform from going to church to being the church. Use your God-given gifts and abilities to serve the church and help make Lutheran Church of the Master a warm, welcoming place to worship!

We have opportunities to serve as a Reader, Usher, Communion Assistant, Musician, or on our Prayer Team. If you are interested in learning more, contact the Church Office at


Gather in community with your Corona Del Mar family

We love to get together outside of Sunday Mornings! Whether it’s for a meal, a trivia night, or intentional time with Christ, we see value in community. Keep up to date with all church happenings by following us on social, subscribing to our newsletter, or by viewing our upcoming events at the button below.